Video: Valentin Tomberg, Blavatsky and Eastern Occultism Without Christ

This time I cannot say, as usual: Here is my latest video— because there have been newer ones since.

Alas, this website is taking longer to update, due to demanding things, including a project that may eventually come to light here.

I allow myself only a few brief gnomic comments: Crises can yield treasure. I have felt as though I were a man whose back was breaking with the bags carried on his back—but he sees they are laden with gold . . .

At any rate, here is a one hour preview of a much longer one: Valentin Tomberg and the Occult Replacement of Christianity—which runs three and a half hours long.

The present video can function as a ‘Short Version’ for the ‘Long Version’—for those who do not have 210 minutes to spare! It could also serve as an aide memoire too, as many key points of the longer video are offered here in briefer form, albeit in a somewhat disjointed way that necessarily lacks some nuance and context.

This video will possibly be better appreciated if watched, rather than simply listened to—as there are plentiful images and titles, which add further layers of meaning to its themes . These concern the Theosophy of Helena P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey as well as the New Age Movement, Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy.

Obviously, the video addresses Tomberg too and it also features a powerful but little-known report from Martin Kriele, whom Tomberg called his ‘second son’, etc. . . .

Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck

Classics from Valentin Tomberg

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