I am sorry.
Still, I fear making too big a deal of it, cringing at my capacity for insincerity: tired, old excuses for tired, old problems. But, for anyone who may care to listen, I want to explain. (At least a little.)
This website has been neglected for a long time—due to a host of real problems, technical, personal, now global. By global, I mean our strange new Covid world, which has thrown up numerous problems. By technical, I mean the site’s construction, which is outdated and faulty. It is breaking down, problematic, needing repairs beyond my competence. Also, the fact my computer blew up a while ago hardly helped. By personal . . . Well, I’d rather not get into that. Suffice it to say, these are challenging times.
As a result, I have neglected not only updating this site, but neglected, too, numerous folk kind enough to comment here. I will not labour this much more. But some time ago, I said something personal on Facebook relevant to all the above. I paste it below, only slightly modified, without further comment.

From Facebook:
THE CONUNDRUM (Or: Zing! Zing! Zing! – a Personal Anti-Sacrament)
Something like two weeks ago, my entire mode of being, my whole consciousness, it felt, changed.
For one reason: one extremely mundane reason that is now extremely normal to a large part of Western humanity. (Even if it would have been extremely bizarre just twenty years ago!)
The extremely mundane, normal thing in question?
I got involved with Facebook and other social media again.
Zing! Zing! Zing!
High speed communication back, forth, back, forth …
All this, after many weeks of being away from the Internet.
Honestly, I feel like a different – slightly lesser – person now.
But here is the other side: why I have a conundrum.
I have received so much that is kind, warm, helpful, thoughtful.
I have had reflections regarding my work that are very, very helpful for me.
And I see such goodness in so many of you.
Some, I know, are really suited to Facebook interaction, warming many.
But, for myself, I feel as though I lose something of my soul.
I feel duller, stupider. Almost as if for me social media is an anti-Sacrament.
I stress: FOR ME. Not others. Some of you know how to stay sane, intelligent, even brilliant.
The solution for me is to go SLOW with this.
Because I genuinely want to greet old friends and new ones who appreciate my work. (More disingenuously, I also want to promote that work at Facebook – as well as my beloved Kim’s.)
So forgive me, friends, if I am very slow by modern standards that are, for me, manic.
I miss the last millennium . . .
About My Latest Book

“The Gentle Traditionalist returns with a vengeance in this stand-alone sequel … this book skewers the modern malaise with the kind of sanity we have come to expect from this author” — CHARLES A. COULOMBE
”Buck’s latest foray is a grand success … The story features the same singular combination of whimsy and surprise, keen social commentary, and deft argumentation as the first [book]. The Gentle Traditionalist Returns appeals to what is best and deepest in us, so that we will reengage with that which ultimately matters while there is yet time.” — PETER KWASNIEWSKI
”A brilliant diagnosis of the spiritual malaise of modern society, written with gentleness, generosity, humour, pathos … and, above all else, love”— MAOLSHEACHLANN Ó CEALLAIGH
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
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3 responses to “Zing-Zing-Zing: A Personal Anti-Sacrament”
[…] « Some Sort of Apology […]
[…] As we have recently “explained” here, both this website and my private life have been be… […]
[…] As we recently “explained” here, both this website and my private life have been beset w… […]
[…] As I recently “explained” here, both this website and my private life have been beset wi…Much-needed repairs to this website mean there will be very little in terms of new posts for a while yet. But I have a new video here: […]
[…] As I recently “explained” here, both this website and my private life have been beset wi… That fact as well as much-needed repairs to the site mean there will be very little in terms of new posts for a while yet. But here is my latest YouTube video: […]