One of Us

Sacred Heart
O Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Below is an extract from my book in preparation: Cor Jesu Sacratissimum.

One of us drives a 1937 Rolls Royce plated in chromium that gleams Silver Shadow.

One of us picks bananas for a living.

One of us longs to play at Wimbledon.

One of us longs to go to Outer Space.

One of us longs for the next edition of Better Homes and Gardens.

One of us designs cigarette packets and studies how to better target customers.

One of us is dying from cancer of the lung.

One of us aches in endless fear, having bungled the job and left his prints at the scene of the crime.

One of us fears old age, without adequate care and thus is hoarding – stocks and shares, property and policies (not to mention krugerands).

One of us is very kind and simple and opens his door to all who come, feeding them.

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One of us sees inadequate care everywhere, and pours her lifeblood into social causes.

One of us collects Mickey Mouse and related Disney memorabilia.

One of us cannot stop his paedophiliac fantasies and LOATHES himself.

One of us is a paedophile and doesn’t loathe himself at all.

One of us prays fervently to Allah for the conversion of Europe.

One of us worships at the Church of Elvis.

One of us dreams of owning every issue of The Amazing Spiderman in near MINT condition.

One of us ensures that her seven poodles receive the most immaculate of grooming.

One of us is so starved that her breasts produce no milk for her baby.

One of us is fighting to get her food in a brutal third world country.

One of us loves baking cakes and swapping recipes on the internet.

One of us longs to help the animals, and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.

One of us would bring healing “sanity” to the world – by eliminating “all God-talk and metaphysical nonsense.”

One of us regrets bitterly the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

One of us has had thirty years of psychotherapy – and wonders why.

One of us has murdered someone.

One of us will shortly be aborted.

One of us stares at television from morning to eve – and is two years old.

One of us aims to treat every human being with dignity, respect, giving the mirroring and interest that each one craves.

One of us photographs Playboy “Bunnies” for a living.

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Gentle Traditionalist

One of us owns 47 guns and campaigns actively to maintain the “Right to Bear Arms.”

One of us is a groupie.

One of us believes in “Aquarius” and that all this “Old Age” stuff will soon be disappearing.

One of us volunteers long hours in an African hospital that is breaking down.

One of us studies melting polar ice – with growing horror.

One of us is freezing.

One of prays 159 Hail Marys a day, imploring help for the world.

One of us works seven days a week, 16 hours a day in a Chinese sweatshop – making clothes for us to wear.

One of us longs for the perfect clothes, with the perfect house, with the perfect lawn, and the perfect pool …

And . . .

One of us looks on at all of this, with a Sacred Heart of Infinite Burning Charity, and feeling every individual gesture, tear and tragedy …

Calls each of us to come be warmed at this Blazing Hearth of Love and then to join Him in His Work.

Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck

Gentle Traditionalist

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4 responses to “One of Us”

  1. Michael K. Avatar
    Michael K.

    Dear Roger,

    We spoke by email several years ago. I saw your posts on the Meditations on Tarot website. I am glad you are back… sort of. I am intrigued by the opening salvo extract to your book in preparation. Let me know when it is ready so I can buy a copy! I’m one of those who can’t help surrounding himself with the witnesses of the books that touch on the MOTT.

    All the best,

    Michael K.

  2. roger Avatar

    Dear Michael, I remember you, warmly. Thank you for your encouraging comment. I am glad you are here!

    In addition to remembering you with warmth, I am also with respect for your consistent defense of the faith of the Church. “Consistent” … it is a word I hope to be writing more about, now that I have caught up with you. At least I pray that I have …

  3. […] note that the extract below refers to an earlier prologue, which will appear in the print version. The same prologue has appeared in my weblog here. It is not necessary to refer to that prologue first, though a slightly fuller comprehension of […]