O Paray-le-Monial, place of my heart and most sacred place of His Heart. Place where the Sacred Heart appeared to Saint Margaret Mary back in the 1670s.
Lord, how I wish I were there, witnessing the pilgrims gather from far and wide, to celebrate tomorrow the great Feast of Thy Most Sacred Heart.
Yet, more specifically, how I wish I were there, many, many years ago, when the Feast was celebrated in Latin and dignity and respect were foremost.
Whilst there is still evidence of dignity and respect, when Roger and I were present in Paray-le-Monial for this great Feast, I was deeply saddened by the pop music liturgy.
Whilst Paray-le-Monial, the birthplace of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart, is such an incredible place – where it seems as though one can palpably sense the beating of His Sacred Heart, day in, day out – the various daily Masses are mostly filled with a liturgy that is very poppy and modern.
How I long to see the Tradition return to this sacred town.
That the altars to the two great saints, who brought the revelations of the Sacred Heart to the world, would once again carry the Latin words of the Holy Mass.
That beautiful adornments would once again soothe the senses like balm, so that the sacred language of the liturgy can deeply touch the soul.
That the true Presence of Our Lord, revealing to us the love and mercy of His Most Sacred Heart, were honoured as King, with rich velvets and flanked by angels and candelabras.
O Paray-le-Monial, if only these expressions of dignity and reverence, these Traditional and Holy practices could return to your hearth.
That these practices would display the very honouring and gratitude requested by the One, Whose ‘Heart…so loved men, that It spared nothing…in order to testify to them Its love”.
For this my heart longs.
For this I pray.
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