New Age
Denial of the Fall: The Triumph of Freemasonry?
A continued reflection on the cultural denial of the Fall in light of Pope Leo XIII’s warnings in regard to Freemasonry.
Stripped of the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Mystery . . .
The loss to the world of the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Mystery is incalculable. Without all Seeven Sacraments, Christianity may continue to wither.
Up Against the Wall: Catholicism and Modern Ideology
There is a wall against Catholicism. The wall has dominated Anglo culture – Catholic Ireland excepted – for centuries. But now the wall is being erected, even in Ireland.
On Corpus Christi—and Refuting New Age Dogma
Today it is Corpus Christi. And, as recently we observed at this weblog: “New Age culture moves in lockstep with the modern, liberal culture. And like that culture, it has little time for Christian understandings of the Fall, evil and sin. It tends very much to share the secular supposition of ‘Original Innocence’. Like the secular…
The New Age Decision: Saying Yes means Saying No …
Today, I return to an old theme of this website – the New Age movement. As I have said often here, I got caught up in the New Age, when both the movement and myself were very young. Around 1979, age 15, I began to read of the Findhorn community in northern Scotland…
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
Capitalism Catholic France Catholic Ireland Catholic Mystery Catholic Traditionalism Church in Crisis Counter-Revolution Dechristianisation Dictatorship of Secularism Hilaire Belloc Latin Mass Liturgical Year Liturgy and Sacraments New Age Our Lady Personal/Autobiography – Roger Sacred Heart Valentin Tomberg Videos World Tragedy