Roger’s Weblog
(Roger’s) Adventures in Facebook-Land
Are our adventures on Facebook consciousness enhancing or diminishing?
A Humorous Interlude: Charles Coulombe on the New Age
New Age gobbledygook: Charles Coulombe on our present “maturing of hyper-cosmic consciousness”. Humorous – and tragic.
Star-Spangled Crown by Charles A. Coulombe – Review
A review of Star-Spangled Crown by Charles A. Coulombe, where love of America, Americana and American Counter-Revolution all meet in a feast of a book …
Christian Religion or Secular Religion?
Not every religion is akin to the Catholic and Christian religion, oriented to a Personal God reigning in Heaven. Once this is clearly recognised one may better appreciate the stealthy, alternative reign of a New Secular Religion. Features an extract from The Gentle Traditionalist.
G.K. Chesterton and The Gentle Traditionalist on Secular Dogmas
The great G.K. Chesterton was a prophet who clearly saw the blind, unconscious nature of Secular Dogma.
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
Capitalism Catholic France Catholic Ireland Catholic Mystery Catholic Traditionalism Church in Crisis Counter-Revolution Dechristianisation Dictatorship of Secularism Hilaire Belloc Latin Mass Liturgical Year Liturgy and Sacraments New Age Our Lady Personal/Autobiography – Roger Sacred Heart Valentin Tomberg Videos World Tragedy