Video on the Latin Mass— and Peter Kwasniewski’s New Book!

Herewith a video on the Latin Mass with just a few added comments below:

Some haphazard notes:

I am slowly returning to this website after an extremely long spell away, some of it due to difficult family circumstances, where I have been completely (and blissfully) offline. Being utterly away from the Internet for months means, alas though, that I am later than ever responding to comments and correspondence.

Meanwhile, I am now posting videos at this site recorded some time back for my YouTube channel, but never offered here, due to my “abandoning” the site.

The first of these is above. More will follow soon. I hope too that some ”proper” blogs and articles will appear in time, emerging from my time of retreat from the world, as a result of which I feel a changed man.

I will just add that this video is something of a companion piece I did to my review last year of Peter Kwasniewski’s wonderful new book: Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness: Why the Modern Age needs the Mass of Ages.

And I supplement the video  with a little of what I wrote for that review:

For generations now, we inhabit a world in which arguments are increasingly materialistic, rationalist or utilitarian.

Such arguments were used to introduce the liturgical innovations of the 1960s, e.g. it is better that liturgy be in the vernacular, comprehensible to all.

And what could be more sensible, more rational than that? At least, such questions express the impoverished mindset that millions of Catholics now inhabit.

However, things of “noble beauty and transcendent holiness” can never be fully understood – much less demonstrated! – along lines that remain purely “materialistic, rationalist or utilitarian”.

No, other deeper, more subtle and profound arguments are needed for the liturgy, arguments that speak to the whole human being.

Now, of course, such arguments will never be irrational, for man’s rational capacities are God-given, and never wisely ignored. But, in this tragic epoch, what is burningly needed is argumentation that both embraces and transcends ordinary rationality (“trans-rational” if you like).

The glory of Peter Kwasniewski’s new book Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness is that its author both understands the crying necessity for these arguments, and also elegantly provides them, in a manner that speaks to heart and mind, soul and imagination.

To this I will simply add that Kwasniewski’s book also comes from my own publisher Angelico Press, who like Kwasniewski deserves so much support for the sheer work they are doing to support Catholic tradition in these darkened times. Purchasing any of the Kwasniewski books below supports him, then as well as Angelico and this apostolate.

A Kwasniewski Quartet


Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck


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One response to “Video on the Latin Mass— and Peter Kwasniewski’s New Book!”

  1. Kim Avatar

    Dear Mr. Buck,
    I am a great fan of your work. I am working my way through all of your videos and I own both of your books. “The Gentle Traditionalist” is simply brilliant, as is “Cor Jesu Sacratissimum (which I am not yet finished with, but is practically all highlighted so far).
    One thing I wanted to mention to you is a reference book that has been very helpful for me, it is called “Bearing False Witness,” by Stark. I couldn’t help but notice your references to the Inquisition in “Cor Jesu Sacratissimum,” and I believe that you would enjoy reading the section on that subject in “Bearing False Witness,” as the author (who is not even a Catholic!) is an honest historian who has looked beyond the Black Legend to find the truth of that time period.
    Thank you for your time and wonderful ministry. Crux sacra sit mihi lux.