We post, at last, another video – which is much shorter than most and definitely different. But rather than say much more here, I let it speak for itself.
The only thing I mention now is that both new posts and videos are likely to remain rather slow in coming for a while yet. My personal life has been quite intense of late and I am also dreadfully behind on my correspondence.
For all that, I remain profoundly grateful for all the support this new video channel has received, even while I have not felt able to bring out the videos regularly.
I am NOT giving up though. Sooner or later, there will be more videos. Many more.
I am very committed to this channel and your continued support in the form of likes, subscriptions, shares, as well as prayers, truly helps. Thank you, friends, known and unknown.
The book I quote in the video is my most recent: Cor Jesu Sacratissimum: From Secularism and the New Age to Christendom Renewed, which you can find at your nearest Amazon by clicking on the ad below:

Cor Jesu Sacratissimum is Latin, of course, for “most Sacred Heart of Jesus” and the unusual passage I cite in the video – in somewhat shortened form – is the book’s prologue.
The passage is also my own poor attempt to contemplate the immensity of suffering the Sacred Heart of Jesus sees—and the immensity of love He bears for each and every one of us.
Yes, however dire our circumstances, however dark our hearts, the Heart of Jesus sees and loves us all. (At the same time, I did not want, in this video/passage, to forget human beauty, as well as suffering. But that beauty we owe to HIM.)
If anyone would like to see the complete, unedited text of this meditation on the Sacred Heart, you can find it here.
“My own poor attempt,” I wrote above. What I attempt to contemplate in this video/passage is impossible, of course.
Still, the Christian ever aspires to Imitatio Christi – even while it remains utterly impossible to ever fully imitate the One of us who, as I say here:
looks on at all this, with a Sacred Heart of Infinite Burning Charity and feeling every individual gesture, tear, and tragedy … calls each of us to come be warmed at His Blazing Hearth of Love and join Him in His Work.
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
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