Pentecost—and a Video Call to Counter-Revolution

Detail from Lourdes mosaic of Pentecost

Well, today, dear Readers, is Pentecost and I wish each of you the joy and inspiration of the Holy Spirit on this blessed Feast.

But this little post is really to announce that the second of my videos is now up on my new Youtube channel dedicated to Counter-Revolution.

In this video, I touch on a little bit of everything: Catholic France, the Latin Mass, Hilaire Belloc, G.K. Chesterton, the tunnel-visioned media, Capitalism, Distributism, the website Fish Eaters, pornography and social decay, the noble quest for sexual chastity, abortion, Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders and the fate of the West.

Finally, I also want to thank so many of you for the kind, kind responses you have given me so far, in all kinds of places, including Facebook, the aforementioned Fish Eaters site and the Irish Conservatives Forum I also now participate in.

Truly, I am more comfortable with writing rather than public speaking and your warmth is most sustaining in what for me is a novel – not to say nervous! – endeavour.

I am also grateful to many of you who have shared this video on Facebook and other places. Please can you keep this up and like and subscribe to the channel?

(I admit to cringing writing the above! I see my work as very much about challenging the crass, commercialised culture of our age. Yet I appear to pander to it! Still, it seems necessary to ask. YouTube’s soulless giant supercomputers will work to promote my new videos the more they are liked and subscribed to. And I do want to promote them – so that they are at least visible to people.

And with that expression of gratitude and request for continued support, I turn you over to, er … myself:

Postscript: If you want to know more about the new channel, you can see my last post here, wherein I also explain that in this video series, I will be focussing on such subjects as:

  • The Crisis in the Liturgy and the Latin Mass
  • Why Secularism gets away with murder (as the Gentle Traditionalist would say)
  • The Veiled Destructiveness of the New Age Movement
  • Great Catholic thinkers including Hilaire Belloc, G.K. Chesterton and Valentin Tomberg
  • Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Catholic Ireland
  • Catholic France
  • Christendom – and what must be done to renew it.
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2 responses to “Pentecost—and a Video Call to Counter-Revolution”

  1. philip johnson Avatar

    Roger .Thank you.Thank you!This society is sinking fast and it will be the Traditional Catholic Church which will facilitate its recovery.I am a Traditional Catholic aged 64 yrs and i know what you are talking about first hand.I will buy your books and look forward to your next video.Keep The Faith.

    1. roger Avatar

      Many thanks Philip – good to hear your voice here once again and I hope you will appreciate my books. Your support here and elsewhere is most appreciated.