My little dog suffers, part of fallen Creation.
The woman upstairs suffers because she is fallen.
The man in the street suffers because he is fallen.
We all suffer because we are fallen.
My husband suffers because his mother screamed at him.
She suffered because her father beat her mother.
I suffer because my mother abandoned me as a child.
She suffers because her father beat her as a child.
Children suffer because they are not understood.
Children suffer because they are abused by their elders.
Children suffer because they are abused by their peers.
Children suffer because they abuse each other.
You suffer, I suffer.
We all suffer because we are fallen.
It is Tragic.
This fallen world of suffering is Tragic.
And yet there is Hope …
For He is born into the world.
A tiny Child with a Sacred Heart.
Son of God and Son of Woman.
Woman Most Pure.
Woman Most Chaste.
Of Immaculate Heart and Spirit Divine,
He was born into this tragic world.
That we may know the Way to God.
That we may know The Truth of God.
That we may know The Life in God.
The Way, The Truth and The Life.
He was born that we may be Saved.
Saved from suffering.
Saved out of fallenness.
Saved from the tragedy in which we live.
Saved from this fallen suffering world.
And as He was born of Immaculate Heart,
of She Who ascended Body and Soul into heaven…
He is born daily by means of Her earthly guise.
Through Holy Mother Church,
The Light of the world,
The only hope for mankind,
Comes to us, in Sacramental Glory,
The Trinitarian Sacrifice.
Before Him, we bow our heads in sorrow.
Sorrow for our earthly sin.
Before Him, we bow our heads in awe.
Awe for his Heavenly Glory.
Humbly repentant,
We offer our prayers, our hearts,
To Him.
In remembrance, in adoration, in gratitude
Preparing ourselves to receive the most sublime of gifts…
Himself, as Sacrificial Lamb
Present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Daily, Our Saviour sacrifices Himself,
Daily, he comes to us
To join himself with us in Holy Communion
That we will be saved.
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2 responses to “We All Suffer because We are Fallen … And Yet There is Hope”
“And yet there is Hope …
For He is born into the world.”
Says it all – but it takes a whole lifetime to understand the awesome value of this!
Epsilon, thank you for all your comments – I really appreciate them. And yes you are so right. The Mystery of the Incarnation is so profound, so unfathomable. How can we comprehend it, other than with Faith?