The Traditional Latin Mass: Towards God

The Traditional Latin Mass. With gratitude to James Bradley for photo.

I will never forget my first traditional Latin Mass. It was incredible.

With the priest facing the tabernacle, his back turned to us, it was as though he was leading us to Our Lord.

The beautiful robe the priest wore seemed to cover us all, being an instrument in this sacred journey.

Each and every prayer and word spoken was sacred, again aiding the route to the Lord.

The music was beautiful, the attitude solemn and serious.

For this is a solemn and serious event. It is not a place for the banal and mediocre.

One that made my soul sing. I felt so deeply nourished.

An elderly Irish lady dear to me, once spoke of her experience of the change of the Mass in the 1960’s.

She said that with the old rite, she was looking directly towards God in the tabernacle. Whilst with the new rite she was looking into the face of a man.

I found this a very striking comment. What do you think?

Video, Books and More

We are now updating this website in 2023, many years after this post was written. Today, my beloved husband Roger and I have a YouTube Channel and Roger has written several books on Catholic tradition published by Angelico Press. Here is my first video and below that you can see Roger’s books.

Video from Our YouTube Channel—Article Continues Below
Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck

Gentle Traditionalist

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