New Age
The Gentle Traditionalist Meets The Man with No Name
Extract from The Gentle Traditionalist – with a satire of the New Age movement. (As well as an attempt to address the core of New Age ‘philosophy‘: Eastern Monism.)
A Tale of Two Books
From Ireland: A personal tale of how my two books came to be written … Books about the Sacred Heart, the Catholic Mystery, Catholic Ireland – and the threat of both secular and New Age ideology.
Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
On the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, some reflections about this great penitent, who is so terribly obscured by the New Age movement.
Hilaire Belloc on The Great Heresies (Review)
Hilaire Belloc on the great heresies – and a prophetic look at things as varied as Capitalism, Communism and even the renewed paganism of the New Age movement.
Valentin Tomberg, the Reformation and the Enlightenment
How Valentin Tomberg’s Catholic thinking was marked by a profound critique of the Reformation and the Enlightenment.
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
Capitalism Catholic France Catholic Ireland Catholic Mystery Catholic Traditionalism Church in Crisis Counter-Revolution Dechristianisation Dictatorship of Secularism Hilaire Belloc Latin Mass Liturgical Year Liturgy and Sacraments New Age Our Lady Personal/Autobiography – Roger Sacred Heart Valentin Tomberg Videos World Tragedy