Roger’s Weblog

  • Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism and the Counter-Revolution—Pt. 7

    Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism and the Counter-Revolution—Pt. 7

    2023 Update: Here is the first of a never-completed nine part series of musings on Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism, Rudolf Steiner and the world tragedy, written many years ago in 2011. In recently re-visiting it, for the first time in years, I have seen fit to rewrite it a little. But for the most part it…

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  • Valentin Tomberg, Catholic Tradition and the Counter Revolution—Pt. 6

    Valentin Tomberg, Catholic Tradition and the Counter Revolution—Pt. 6

    2023 Update: Here is the first of a never-completed nine-part series of musings on Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism, Rudolf Steiner and the world tragedy, written many years ago in 2011. In recently re-visiting it, for the first time in years, I have seen fit to rewrite it a little. But for the most part it remains…

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  • Lazarus Come Forth by Valentin Tomberg (Review)

    Lazarus Come Forth by Valentin Tomberg (Review)

    We have two parts here. The first is but a very lightly-edited version of a review originally written for Amazon some years back around 2005: This book—I am incapable of thinking of it as anything other than one of the greatest books of the twentieth century. My writing of these words is very, very personal.…

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  • On the Crimes of Catholics

    On the Crimes of Catholics

    A VERY different, hurried and experimental kind of blog entry from me here. Just in the last few hours, I received two blog responses – from ReXteryalizer and Mark – completely unprecedented in my experience. Superficially, they might look “Anti-Catholic”. More deeply, I suspect they reveal real compassion and concern for human welfare. Originally, I started…

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  • Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism and the Counter-Revolution—Pt. 5

    Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism and the Counter-Revolution—Pt. 5

    2023 Update: Here is the first of a never-completed nine part series of musings on Valentin Tomberg, Catholicism, Rudolf Steiner and the world tragedy, written many years ago in 2011. In recently re-visiting it, for the first time in years, I have seen fit to rewrite it a little. But for the most part it…

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Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck

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