Video: The Occult Replacement of Christianity

Here is a three and a half hour video literally three years in the making and with twenty-six years of interior struggle behind it . . .

It owes a great deal to Valentin Tomberg, without whom I might never have freed myself from the New Age—let alone come to see this so-called New Age as I now do: an occult project to replace Christianity as we have known it.

I consider it to be one of the most important videos I have ever done. Even I—who should know better, steeped as I was in Blavatsky’s ‘Esoteric Buddhism’, Alice Bailey’s ‘One World Religion’ and living at the seminal New Age community of Findhorn in Scotland—feel I am still only waking up.

This episode also has material relating to Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy. I will just mention that the video comes in two distinct sections. There is a slightly longer first section mainly on the New Age with less on Tomberg and a second slightly shorter section (close, though, to half) mainly focussed on Tomberg’s response to Theosophy, which, as I make clear, lies very much at the roots of the New Age Movement.

Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck

Classics from Valentin Tomberg

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