Friends, I am currently on the road without a mobile internet device (which would drive me mad). Internet access is difficult and I am presently unable to keep up with this blog, comments and correspondence. Still, I quickly note an EWTN “Celtic Connections” radio interview with me has just aired. I shall just add that I do not expect to be at this site again till later in the spring. Till then, may Our Lord richly bless you all!
Update: A Few Months Later
I have now returned home and also posted the interview at my new YouTube channel.
As explained a little below, the interview was done in two segments. Here they are:

The reason there are two parts, is that the producer/interviewer Paul MacAree – a wonderful guy – recorded a lot of material with me, far more than either of us had intended!
And Paul was so happy with the results, that, rather than edit it down to fit a single programme as he usually would, he opted to run to a second segment on his show “Celtic Connections”.
The main subject is my conversion to the Catholic faith from the New Age and my past at Findhorn. But there is also a fair amount about Ireland, especially in the second part, which I find myself hoping will be heard in Ireland, particularly …
And so, I would be grateful to you for any help at all in spreading the word about this interview (again particularly in Ireland).
A final word about the New Age stuff. It still pains me to speak so forcefully about the New Age, especially when so many of my old friends still participate in that milieu, more or less.
Also, the more popular format of radio led me to say things in a rather more simplistic way than the more nuanced approach I take in my big book Cor Jesu Sacratissimum which deals extensively with the New Age movement.
Yet I stand by what I said. I know New Agers are not without lofty ideals. Alas, after years of inner struggle, I also believe their movement is carrying deeply destructive forces into Western culture.
That destructiveness is often entirely unconscious, however.
And as ever, I see that the destruction of Western tradition is leaving people enslaved to the Zeitgeist, the ideals and ideology of the last two generations or so.
(All of which is tragically and horrifically evident in the recent May 25th 2018 abortion referendum in Ireland of which I recently did another video at my YouTube channel and which will be posted at this site too before long. Our Lady of Knock – pray for us!)
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
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