Well, it took so many, many years to finally arrive – eight years, to be precise, of blood, sweat and tears from 2008 to 2016 – and composed whilst living across four countries: France, Spain, England and now Ireland.
But now it is finally due in the next week or so.
I speak of my ‘new’ book Cor Jesu Sacratissimum: From Secularism and the New Age to Christendom Renewed (henceforth: CJS) most of which was written before my ‘first’ book The Gentle Traditionalist (TGT).
Indeed, The Gentle Traditionalist was such a different experience. I wrote it in ten weeks last spring, with it erupting out of me after CJS was basically complete.
But my illustrious publisher Angelico Press thought it best to go forward with TGT first and so CJS was delayed and also polished just that little bit further.
Unsurprisingly, we will be saying more of CJS in the next days. But today, I will not give you, dear Reader, much more than the cover above, the book description and few remarks regarding that description.
Now, CJS is a big, complex book – 464 pages – and it is virtually impossible to sum up such a big book in a few lines.
Nonetheless, I am very gratified by the words Angelico Press and I have come up with.
Here they are:
The Cor Jesu Sacratissimum IS the Heart of the World, the beating Heart of the Church, yet that truth becomes ever more obscured in our modern age.
This book addresses many of the principal obscuring forces in our time: the New Age movement, globalized secular culture born of the Enlightenment, the often-hidden legacy of Protestantism in the Anglo-American world, and, perhaps most baneful of all, the liberal excesses in the Church Herself, unleashed after Vatican II.
It details also the personal journey of a Catholic convert, once submerged in the New Age, who found liberation in Catholic Tradition.
Drawing upon his intimate knowledge of all things New Age, Roger Buck first unveils its Eastern origins in an explicit way that goes far beyond what most Christian and Catholic books ever say on the subject, and then confronts head-on the apparent death of Christianity in the West.
For, increasingly, he argues, Westerners face a tragic choice between either Secularism or a vague post-Christian New Age spirituality that subtly and insidiously depersonalizes what is truly human.
The only answer, he contends, entails restoring not only Catholic culture, but also the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, born in France at the cusp of modernity.
The book owes an unusual debt to the Catholic thinkers Valentin Tomberg and Hilaire Belloc, as well as the author’s own experience of living in France and Ireland—all of which are explored in this very personal cry from the heart: a cry for Christendom renewed.
A final comment, for now.
Probably the most key phrase here is this: ‘a tragic choice between either Secularism or a vague post-Christian New Age spirituality that subtly and insidiously depersonalizes what is truly human.’
This is the controversial core of the book.
It is what feels most urgent to me.
Post-Vatican II ‘Protestantised’ excesses, the New Age movement, globalised secular and liberal values – they are all leading to THIS.
They are robbing people of Christ, as they robbed me for many, many years.
Here is why the book is a cry from my heart.
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
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3 responses to “At Last! Cor Jesu Sacratissimum – the Book”
This is terribly exciting and needed! Knowing of your profound understanding of Tomberg as evidenced by all the wonderful articles on this website you will help those that follow Tomberg’s critical insight that all things esoteric are just as much exoteric and find expression in the sacramental observances of the church. The Temple Veil has been split open and instead of so many hiding in the dark alleys of the esoteric or in the diluted love and light of the new age we can surprisingly to so many share in the most sacred of mysteries in clear consciousness in the Roman Catholic Church! Indeed, “dark ages” ahead for the remnant, but such books as this will strengthen our resolve, faith, and hope until He comes again…Thank you!
Dear Gavin, it is gracious of you to say this, after I appear to have ignored your deeply meaningful comments for so long.
Despite my lengthy silence – at least lengthy by today’s mad electronic pace – I want you to know that I not only read your comments, but savoured them, printing them, marking them up etc.
Your journey is more moving than I can say in words and also one which I believe will be amplified immensely once you are receiving His Body and Blood.
I am not going to ignore your earlier comments. I do mean to respond in more depth.
But it may take me a little bit, given the demands around the book launch.
Till then, I thank you deeply, unknown friend.
God bless you for taking a few moments of your time – thank you! The moment your book is available I will be ordering! Please know that I am well and that we are in common cause and I look forward to future edifications together, but until then I know your are a busy man and I thank you for your gracious response to me personally and to the effort you have put out into the Catholic world.