Roger and I have recently returned from experiencing Heaven for the first time for several months. So where have we been?
We have returned from a pilgrimage to Sacred Heart Church in Limerick – the beautiful chapel, saved from purchase for profane use by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
It is the third pilgrimage we have made there. But this one was particularly special, for we were able to assist at Holy Mass for the feast of the Institute’s patron, St. Francis de Sales.
If one knows about this great Doctor of the Church, also known as the Doctor of Love, one will have a better sense of the Institute and her liturgy. Because their spirituality is deeply fuelled by his writings and teaching.
Also, their friendliness, courtesy and kindness reflect the gentle aspirations of this saint. Even the attire of the Institute and the beauty of their chapels, follow his sensibilities and eye for detail, regarding décor and dress.
And after Holy Mass on this great feast, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed and we adored the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Fount of Mercy.
And as we did so, I experienced a profound sense of reverence towards our Lord in His Holy Eucharist. He was placed high above us, surrounded by candelabras and bountiful flowers. As we prayed traditional devotions to the Sacred Heart, gazing up at His glory, He showered us with His abundant gifts, reminding us that He is indeed King and Centre of all hearts.
I cannot express my joy at having been present there, once again experiencing the most beautiful liturgy I have encountered in all my travels and meanderings around several countries in Europe.
For as I have written here before, the liturgy of the Institute nourishes my soul in a way that truly transports me, as though I were in Heaven (Link to balm to my soul blog featuring New Brighton) – hence my opening words.
And on this visit, the heavenly liturgy was further augmented by the progress of restoration in the church itself.
For Sacred Heart Church now looks exquisite, with many new additions since we were last there – the adoring Angels, the pulpit, the new tabernacle and altar, the stations of the Cross, the stunning chandeliers and the beginnings of restoration to the Sacred Heart chapel itself.
The small community have worked incredibly hard to reinstate a worthy sense of honour and adoration to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Their efforts are truly fit for the King they so beautifully praise and adore.
For those of you who do not know the Institute of Christ the King sovereign Priest, I urge you to look them up, find your closest Apostolate, visit them and experience their sublime liturgy.
In our Church today, which suffers greatly from a lack of dignity and reverence in Her worship, the Apostolates of the Institute are most fervently working to remedy the liturgical crisis. They provide deep beautiful liturgy, that can only ease our souls into the arms of our Heavenly Father.
As the Sacred Heart of Jesus looks down from the rooftop of this honourable church, blessing the people of Limerick, He must be most pleased.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, King and Centre of all hearts, have mercy on us.
Roger’s Two-Part EWTN Interview
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
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