Pipped at the Post by the Pope!

Pope Francis Korea Haemi Castle 19
Photo courtesy: Korea.net / Korean Culture and Information Service (Photographer name) [CC BY-SA 2.0]

Normally, I resist short personal posts. But, right now, my resistance is breaking down!

For, as I mentioned before, my book The Gentle Traditionalist recently made the Number One Best Seller position at Amazon UK in Catholic books.

But it’s now been knocked down to Number Two – by Pope Francis’s new book!

Thus I can now say I’ve been “Pipped at the Post by the Pope!”

I am not sure whether my American readers etc will know this expression – but in Ireland and Britain it means to be ‘narrowly beaten’.

And the margin is still narrow. The Gentle Traditionalist is selling pretty much the same – Deo Gratias! – but Pope Francis has pulled ahead!

Something to remember with a smile …

Finally, I will just say again that I am very, very slow with correspondence. Please forgive me – I’m not at all used to this! And, as I’ve mentioned before, despite months of near daily lessons, I could never learn to type. (Nor can I swim or drive – I suffer some very minor physical coordination problems.) Anyway, I say this just in case you are one of the folk waiting … Too long in certain instances.

Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck


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2 responses to “Pipped at the Post by the Pope!”

  1. Elizabeth Leurer Avatar
    Elizabeth Leurer

    Dear Roger, found your site tonight and it gives me such hope!. I Am a cradle catholic Mom-my son Christopher
    has been ivolved with new age and bhuddism-even had his own guru for awhile. He is now searching and at a point
    where he has to find a job soon or else (?) He has attempted suicide twice. Of course I am still praying for him and he’s
    not sure where all is this is going. thanks for sharing your story. Will pray for you and your splendid work.
    God bless, Elizabeth Leurer (Canada)

    1. roger Avatar

      Elizabeth, I am very sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your pained comment. I am losing track of things in the midst of amounts of correspondence, unlike anything I have ever had in my life.

      I am also very sorry to hear of Christopher … My wife and I will pray for him – and you. As a parent, I can easily imagine how distressing this must be.

      The New Age is – often unwittingly – doing terrible things. This includes tearing up the sacramental foundations of your son’s life. I really am sorry to hear this and we will pray …