There shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned into fables.
Timothy 4:3-4

Many years ago, Roger and I attended a friend’s wedding in France.
There was no Church. There was no Priest. There was no Sacrament. The wedding took place in a registry office and was presided over by the Mayor.
In the room, which held the ceremony, something caught my eye. Over by the window, set alone on a table, was a piece of sculpture.
It was of a hand. And in that hand was held a large key, broken in half.
I do not know who put it there or why, but its symbolism spoke loudly to me.
I saw it as a representation of the key of Saint Peter, broken in two.
I then saw clearly how, instead of a Church, here was a civil office. Instead of a Priest, here was the Mayor. Instead of a Sacrament, here was legal agreement and documentation.
The French Republic had taken the Heavenly power of the church and replaced it with its own secular power.
As I write, in the Octave of the great Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, I am in Ireland. Ireland, the special land of prayer and sacrifice now being transformed itself, by the same secular powers I experienced in France.
Here in this Catholic country, the secular sword of death is hovering like a vulture about to strike into the heart of the faith.
For in Ireland we now face a governmental proposal to legalise abortion. Contrary to the words Our Lord spoke to Simon Peter, “Feed My lambs”, the government is proposing to kill them!
And in the spirit of St. Paul, the Irish faithful are fighting back … with vigils, prayers, fasting, petitions, sacrifices …
And, the battle continues; it is not yet won.
In the most recent issue of the Irish Catholic Voice, there is a mighty plea from the French Priest, Canon Wulfran Lebocq, of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (Prior of the Apostolate in Limerick) to use the greatest weapon we have: Our Lady’s Rosary and pray for the protection of the unborn in this land.
Like Canon Lebocq, I too come from a thoroughly secular land, England, that has been prone to the sword of death for many years. Like him, I too plead to you, to take up your Rosary and pray for the protection of this land of faith, from abortion.
Let us pray to Saint Peter that the key to Heaven may stay intact and that the Rock upon which our faith is built will prevail.
Let us also pray to Saint Paul, whose words, spoken shortly before his death:
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)
can give us great strength, encouragement and resolve, to ‘fight the good fight’.
With a similar spirit, let us heed the words of Canon Lebocq:
There is only place for life, for all lives are created by God and for God. Keep praying, keep fighting and may Ireland be once again a model for the entire world.
Update 2023:
Ten years later, I look back at this entry and can only post this video from my husband:
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
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