What Findhorn Could Never Give Me
A former member of the New Age Findhorn Community in Scotland looks back at what was missing ….
Portals into the Catholic Mystery: A Highly Personal Hello Again
Hello again Friends, Known and Unknown, This weblog starts up again . . . after months of winter. And although most of the time, I resist the temptation to personal, chatty or informal writing at this blog—I’ll make an exception this time. (You’ll note the contractions I don’t normally use). Many personal events have sharpened…
All Things Made New by Stratford Caldecott (Review)
Stratford Caldecott’s All Things Made New serves to wonderfully restore symbolism and numerological correspondences to the Catholic imagination.
Cloak and Dagger by Bill Mantlo and Rick Leonardi (Review)
Catholicism in Marvel Comics – Mantlo’s heartfelt scripts, Leonardi’s art and the amount of Catholic iconography and Catholic themes make for a remarkable comic book.
Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck
Capitalism Catholic France Catholic Ireland Catholic Mystery Catholic Traditionalism Church in Crisis Counter-Revolution Dechristianisation Dictatorship of Secularism Hilaire Belloc Latin Mass Liturgical Year Liturgy and Sacraments New Age Our Lady Personal/Autobiography – Roger Sacred Heart Valentin Tomberg Videos World Tragedy