Sacred Heart: Burning Furnace of Charity

As I prayed the Holy Hour on Thursday night, I gazed upon this image of Our Lord. The image that I love so much, from a previous, more pious age.

As I prayed, I was struck in a new and different way, by the image of His Heart, as He gently touches It, softly pointing to It.

That these qualities of softness and gentleness evoke the overall stance of Our Lord, as His mercy and love flow towards us.

It seems that He is in the garden of Gethsemane, gazing heavenwards towards His Father and He’s holding His Heart.

His Heart that knows He must drink from the cup, in obedience to the will of His Father. His Heart that is so feeling our pain, our sin, our suffering.

He feels it and forgives us, as His Heart is tender with love, tender with mercy. He feels our pain, our sin and forgives us for our digressions.

And as He drinks from the cup, His tender Heart, brimming with love and mercy, blazes with passion, the fire of love.

Tender, merciful, blazing passionate love … Burning furnace of Charity.

There He is in Gethsemene, feeling, forgiving, loving, suffering our sin, burning like a furnace.

And I spend this hour with Him, there in the garden, as He requested of Saint Margaret Mary.

I do my best to spend this hour with Him, watching, praying, feeling, suffering. Attempting in my own small way to join my poor little heart with His.

Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart with the Immaculate Heart

The Heart of life, filled with life.

For His Heart feels.

His Heart forgives.

His Heart loves.

Burning furnace of Charity.

Cor Jesu Sacratissimum fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum

(Sacred Heart of Jesus, make our hearts like unto Thine)!

My Journey to His Sacred Heart at Our YouTube Channel

Books from Roger Buck

Foreword for Monarchy by Roger Buck

O Sacred Heart of Jesus!

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4 responses to “Sacred Heart: Burning Furnace of Charity”

  1. edwin Shendelman Avatar
    edwin Shendelman

    I wondered…the Sacred Heart, what is it? Nice of you to answer.

    1. kim Avatar

      Nice to hear from you Edwin, again. So glad if I helped. May His Heart touch you and each and everyone of us. Amen. Kim.

  2. Alisa Avatar

    Dear Kim,

    Would you please tell me where I could get a poster sized copy of the beautiful old Sacred Heart image you have on this page (the large one, in color) or give me the artist’s name or some other information I could use to track it down. I want to enthrone my home, and this picture is the one I would like to use. If not, could you send me a copy of it as a PDF file? The courtesy of a reply would be appreciated, either way. Thanks, and God bless. Oh, and I do order from Amazon a lot, and will be glad to go through your site.


    1. kim Avatar

      Dear Alisa,

      Sorry not to get back to you immediately. I have problems with my eyes which means my computer use is limited. Sometimes it is better, sometimes worse.

      Roger does a lot for me and is ill, so I have only just seen your comment.

      I am very pleased to have introduced you to something so meaningful, as this image.

      I remember seeing it at two different Sacred Heart altars. One in a small Pyreneen village in France and one at the Redemptorist chuch in Limerick, Ireland.

      I found the image myself as a photo, in a freebie pile at a church, so I do not know of its origins.

      Roger, when better, will find a way to get a copy to you – have no fear.

      Thank you so much for ordering through out site, your Amazon purchases, we are very grateful for all the help!

      God bless you, Kim