His Heart, O So Tender, So Pierced

Sacred Heart Soulan
Altar to the Sacred Heart, St Pierre de Soulan, Ariege, France.

One Thursday night in the tiny French Pyreneen village of St Pierre de Soulan when I was praying the Holy Hour, I began to feel a tender quality in my heart.

I heard the continuous cry of a young dog, outside in the snowy cold night.

That cry seemed to go straight into the tenderness in my heart.

I wondered as I prayed, if I was experiencing a tiny sense of what His Sacred Heart feels at each and every pain or tragedy, from every living creature on earth.

That each expression of hurt, penetrates His Heart and He responds to it with His pure and immeasurable love.

And that just as He is Himself hurt by our pains and wrongdoings, He is overjoyed by our acts of kindness and love.

All of this can be seen expressed through the image of His Most Sacred Heart….depicted as human, tender, pierced and bleeding, whilst constantly emanating His Holy Fire of Love.

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