“Christianity is boring” – this, alas for humanity, is what so many people think today …
The reasons are not hard to find. Partly they lie in the media, partly in the Protestant Reformation and the more recent Protestantization of Catholicism – as a result of which the Church is now frequently associated with all that is dull, literalist, deprived of living mystery.
And it is thus, I think, that many today search out New Age “mysteries”. For in the arid lands of soulless materialism, many souls thirst for the living Mystery.
If only they would read Charles A. Coulombe’s latest book: A Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail! For the glory of this luminous new work is that the author knows – with every fibre of his being – that Christianity is NOT boring.
Rather, it is filled with magic.
Every page of this book bears testimony to this – the author’s vivid sense of how rich, how miraculous Catholic Christianity truly is.
Now, ostensibly, this book concerns the legends and traditions surrounding the Holy Grail, along with its links to devotion to the Precious Blood, the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
But I say ‘ostensibly’ because truly it strikes me as all this – and so much more. For the book concerns not only the Grail, but Catholic chivalry and monarchy.
And Coulombe takes us on a marvellous tour of medieval and even modern Europe where miracles – Eucharistic and otherwise – happen still … And he writes of a world where:
Shrines and relics were sacred and mysterious things that needed to be defended at all costs and yet which might turn around and protect their defenders.
Charles A. Coulombe, A Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, p.42.
Indeed! I know such things for, as I tell on this site and on our YouTube channel, my life has been transformed by shrines and relics . . .
And so I heartily welcome this book’s powerful witness to just how astonishing the Mystery of the Catholic Church has been—as its effects rolled out across the planet for the last two thousand years . . .
Really, it is fascinating. Even profoundly knowledgeable and traditional Catholics may yet catch their breath in wonder at all the author invokes here.
For me, then, this book is pure joy. Now, I have raved about this author in previous reviews – but I think this is possibly his finest book yet (although it is hard to beat his enormous epic Puritan’s Empire – which I reviewed here).
Written in a popular, easy to read style, A Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail has something for anyone interested in restoring Christendom.
Buy it, read it, steep yourself even deeper in the miracles of Catholicism.
And if you have any New Age friends, thirsting in the desert, who think Christianity is boring, see if they might read it too. For this book contains the true antidote to the New Age scourge …
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